Taking courage through conversation – overcoming fears and finding goals
Every cancer illness means a serious break in your life. To help you process and cope with the disease and its emotional and mental effects, we offer individual and group psychotherapy sessions as well as biography work.
The following questions often play an important role:
- What options and personal resources do I have that can positively influence the course of my illness?
- What can I do to support myself during and after my treatment?
- What does the disease mean in the overall context of my life?
At our center, we treat people with cancer at all stages of the disease. It is important to us to respect you as a patient in your unity of body, soul and spirit and to provide you with the best possible support on your personal journey through the disease and its treatment. Mental well-being is the basis for successful therapy. That is why we offer you, your relatives and people close to you psycho-oncological support. It is an essential part of our integrative treatment concept. The content of this support is not fixed, but addresses your individual needs.
Why psycho-oncology?
For most people, a cancer diagnosis means an existential turning point in their lives. The disease itself and its medical treatments can be accompanied by a variety of physical, mental and emotional stresses.
From one day to the next, many patients and relatives find themselves confronted with fundamental questions about what it means to be human. This can lead to anxiety, depression, relationship problems or even sudden financial and professional restrictions.
A team of qualified specialists with appropriate additional training and many years of experience in dealing with cancer patients is available to advise you and assess your personal situation with your needs and problems, but also your individual resources. Maintaining and promoting these in the sense of “helping people to help themselves” is a central concern for us.
The aim is to find a constructive way of dealing with the illness and the changed life situation and to find a new orientation. Questions and uncertainties about cancer and its treatment can be discussed and clarified. If necessary, we can arrange further support services and contacts.
Psycho-oncological counseling can be used both selectively and regularly in the form of support or coaching.
If more intensive psychotherapeutic support is desired or required, an experienced team of specially trained doctors and psychotherapists is available.
Possible contents of therapeutic support can be
- Psychotherapeutic crisis intervention
- Individual psychotherapeutic sessions
- Couples therapy
- Biography work
- Logotherapy/existential analysis
- Drug therapy
The confrontation with the illness often leads to an examination of questions about the meaning of life and major existential issues. We are also open to these questions at all times.